Welcome to Mathematical Modeling in Physics
Welcome to Mathematical Modeling in Physics#
PHY 415, called, “Mathematical Methods for Physicists” is a course the brings together many of the mathematical approaches that we commonly use in physics and apply them to variety of problems. In this course, we will take a modeling-based approach where we focus on the mathematical descriptions of physical phenomenon and determine what mathematical and analytical approaches are useful in exploring those models.
5 Dec 2022
Project 6 is posted. It focuses on Monte Carlo simulations. It is due Dec 16th, Friday of finals week.
To get a sense of the course, please read all the pages associated with our syllabus.
Learning Objectives#
In this course, you will learn to:
investigate physical systems using a variety of tools and approaches,
construct and document a reproducible process for those investigations,
use analytical, computational, and graphical approaches to answer specific questions in those investigations,
provide evidence of the quality of work using a variety of sources, and
collaborate effectively and contribute to a inclusive learning environment