OPTIONAL Homework 10 (Due Apr 26)#

Due Apr 26 (midnight)

Date: Apr 19, 2024 Total points: 100

import numpy as np
from math import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
%matplotlib inline

Introduction to Homework 10#

This additional homework assigns three problems from Taylor (same rules as normal homeworks) and includes a reflective set of questions (to be completed by each person), which are only graded for effort.

This assignment replaces your second lowest homework grade; we will drop the lowest one.

Practicalities about homeworks and projects#

  1. You can work in groups (optimal groups are often 2-3 people) or by yourself. If you work as a group you can hand in one answer only if you wish. Remember to write your name(s)!

  2. Homeworks are available ten days before the deadline.

  3. How do I (we) hand in? You can hand in the paper and pencil exercises as a scanned document. For this homework this applies to exercises 1-4. Alternatively, you can hand in everything (if you are ok with typing mathematical formulae using say Latex) as a jupyter notebook at D2L. The numerical exercise(s) (exercise 5-6 here) should always be handed in as a jupyter notebook by the deadline at D2L.

Taylor Exercises (50 pts)#

Each of these problems is from the 2005 edition of Taylor.

  • (10 pts) 2.35

  • (15 pts) 4.34

  • (10 pts) 5.13

  • (15 pts) 7.18

Reflective Questions (50 pts)#

These are not graded for content, but for completeness. We just expect you to take the questions seriously.

  1. What is one thing you were able to achieve this semester in class that you are really proud of? How did you do it?

  2. What is one thing that you were really interested in learning about in classical mechanics? What made that interesting to you?

  3. What is one thing that you plan to learn more about after classical mechanics? Why that thing?

  4. What is one tool/idea/method from class that you will take into your future work? Why that?

  5. What should Danny listen to while grading your HW10?