Homework 9 is to help you get organized for the final project. We will return to the Hydrogen atom next week.
Only one person from each group needs to turn this in using Dropbox. Make sure to include the names of everyone in the group.
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1. Organize yourself for the project
Now that we have discussed the Final Project, it is time to start getting organized. For this question, please do the following:
- Tell me who is in your group and how you intend to communicate with each other.
- Tell me the scope of your project. What are you intending to investigate and how?
- Tell me about the resources you are intending to draw on. Wikipedia is fine, but also try to dig a little deeper. Physics Today, The American Journal of Physics, and The Physics Teacher are all great physics resources. Of course, you may use other journals. You can access these journals through the MSU library website, or by setting up Google Scholar to use the MSU library.
- Tell me the timeline you and your group plan to successfully complete your project.
Only one person from each group needs to turn this in using Dropbox.