Quantum Mechanics II Spring 2021 Homework
Reminder about homework turn ins
Analytical (pencil and paper) homework is turned in using Gradescope. Jupyter notebooks are turned in using the appropriate Dropbox turn in link embedded in the assignment.
List of Homework Assignments
- Homework 1 (Due Jan 29th)
- Homework 2 (Due Feb 5th)
- Homework 3 (Due Feb 12th)
- Homework 4 (Due Feb 19th)
- Homework 5 (Due Feb 26th)
- Homework 6 (Due Mar 5th)
- Homework 7 (Due Mar 12th)
- Homework 8 (Due Mar 19th)
- Homework 9 (Due Mar 26th)
- Homework 10 (Due Apr 2nd)
- Homework 11 (Due Apr 9th)
- Homework 12 (Due Apr 16th)
- Homework 13 (Due Apr 21st) <- Can turn in late – until Sunday Apr. 25th
Final Project (Due April 29th at midnight)
- Guidelines
- Your group can turn-in your project anytime before Thursday, April 29th at midnight. To do so, zip up your files (e.g., notebooks, code, slides, video, anything else) and upload it to the Dropbox file request
- I will review the turn-ins on the morning of April 30th and assign reviews. I will send you an individual email by noon on Friday the 30th with your reviewing assignments. Make sure to check your spam filter!
- Your reviews will be due Sunday May 2nd by midnight. I expect this reviewing to take you 60-90 minutes. This gives you over 48 hours to complete the reviews. To conduct a review, you will complete this form for every group you are assigned.