Consider the world line of an object drawn on a Minkowski (space-time) diagram. At any point in that space, the slope of that line is:
- larger than 1
- less than 1
- able to take on any value
- Last Quiz (This Friday)
- Use special relativity to determine the time between signals
- Discuss if events are timelike or spacelike separated and how you know
- Explain why two events could occur at the same place (or time)
- Last Homework
- Due next Friday NOT Monday! No project problem
- Rest of class
- Finish up Relativity (next Monday-ish) and discuss E&M in general (next Wednesday-ish)
- Extra credit assessment (next Friday)
Points that lie outside the light cone for a given event are:
- accessible no matter where they are
- accessible for given world lines (trajectories)
- always inaccessible
The space time interval is defined by:
Events with common space time intervals lie on a hyperbole of constant I.
True or False: A Lorentz boost can allow you to shift between different hyperboles.
- True
- False
Consider the product of the speed of light and the proper time: cdτ.
Is this quantity invariant?
- Yes
- No
- I don't know how to tell
Is this "4-velocity" a contravariant 4-vector?
- Yes
- No
- I don't know how to tell
What is dtdτ?
- γ
- 1/γ
- γ2
- 1/γ2
- Something else
With η0=cγ and →η=γ→u, what is the square of η?
- c^2
- u^2
- -c^2
- -u^2
- Something else
The momentum vector →p is given by,
What is |→p| as u approaches zero?
- zero
- mu
- mc
- Something else
Consider the world line of an object drawn on a Minkowski (space-time) diagram. At any point in that space, the slope of that line is:
larger than 1
less than 1
able to take on any value
Correct answer: A