I'm in frame $S$, and you are in is in Frame $S'$, which moves with speed $V$ in the $+x$ direction.
An object moves in the $S'$ frame in the $+x$ direction with speed $v'_x$.
Do I measure its $x$ component of velocity to be $v_x = v'_x$?
1. Yes
2. No
3. ???
* Correct Answer: B
## Announcements
* Poster Rubric posted
* Review because you will be using it.
* Lowest and highest peer scores will be dropped
* My score: 60%; Your (average score): 40%
I'm in frame $S$, and you are in is in Frame $S'$, which moves with speed $V$ in the $+x$ direction.
An object moves in the $S'$ frame in the $+y$ direction with speed $v'_y$.
Do I measure its $y$ component of velocity to be $v_y = v'_y$?
1. Yes
2. No
3. ???
* Correct Answer: B
With Einstein's velocity addition rule,
$$u = \dfrac{u' + v}{1+\frac{u'v}{c^2}}$$
what happens when $v$ is very small compared to $c$?
1. $u\rightarrow 0$
2. $u\rightarrow c$
3. $u\rightarrow \infty$
4. $u \approx u' + v$
5. Something else
* Correct Answer: D
With Einstein's velocity addition rule,
$$u = \dfrac{u' + v}{1+\frac{u'v}{c^2}}$$
what happens when $u'$ is $c$?
1. $u\rightarrow 0$
2. $u\rightarrow c$
3. $u\rightarrow \infty$
4. $u \approx u' + v$
5. Something else
* Correct Answer: B
With Einstein's velocity addition rule,
$$u = \dfrac{u' + v}{1+\frac{u'v}{c^2}}$$
what happens when $v$ is $c$?
1. $u\rightarrow 0$
2. $u\rightarrow c$
3. $u\rightarrow \infty$
4. $u \approx u' + v$
5. Something else
* Correct Answer: B