I am here.
1. Yes
2. No
3. What is "here" really, man?
[The Core](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywbEw6kIGno)
For linearly magnetizable materials, the relationship between the magnetization and the H-field is,
$\mathbf{M} = \chi_m \mathbf{H}$
What do you expect the sign of $X_m$ to be for a paramagnetic/diamagnetic material?
1. para: $\chi_m<0 \;$ dia: $\chi_m>0$
2. para: $\chi_m>0 \;$ dia: $\chi_m<0$
3. Both positive
4. Both negative
Correct answer: B
### Electromagnetism is the foundational field theory of physics
Think about everything you NOW know about electromagnetism (it's a lot!).
Work with a partner to map out the electromagnetism concepts that you know and how they are related to each other.
Discuss how your understanding has changed. We will discuss together.