How many boundary conditions (on the potential $V$) do you use to find $V$ inside the spherical plastic shell?
<img src="./images/plastic_shell_vtheta.png" align="right" style="width: 350px";/>
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. It depends on $V_0(\theta)$
* Good for discussion; obviously you need the surface BC, but what about at r=0? Is that technically a BC?
## Announcements
* Homework 8 has 2D relaxation problem
- It is OK to post code on piazza and get help
- Solution to HW7 problem 5 (1D relaxation) is linked (you may work from it)
* DC out of town Monday; Norman Birge will cover
<img src="./images/dipole_moment.png" align="left" style="width: 300px";/>
Two charges are positioned as shown to the left. The relative position vector between them is $\mathbf{d}$. What is the value of of the dipole moment? $\sum_i q_i \mathbf{r}_i$
1. $+q\mathbf{d}$
2. $-q\mathbf{d}$
3. Zero
4. None of these
## Multipole Expansion
<img src="./images/universe_multipole.jpg" align="center" style="width: 300px";/>
Multipole Expansion of the Power Spectrum of CMBR
Note: The radiation from cosmic microwave background can be described in terms of contributions using a basis of functions with increasing smaller contributions.