### Tutorial today
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A neutral copper sphere has a spherical hollow in the center. A charge $+q$ is placed in the center of the hollow. What is the total charge on the outside surface of the copper sphere? (Assume Electrostatic equilibrium.)
<img src="./images/coppersphere_hole_and_charge.png" align="left" style="width: 350px";/>
1. Zero
2. $-q$
3. $+q$
4. $0 < q_{outer} < +q$
5. $-q < q_{outer} < 0$
<img src="./images/cylinder_charge_outside.png" align="right" style="width: 250px";/>
A long coax has total charge $+Q$ on the OUTER conductor. The INNER conductor is neutral.
What is the sign of the potential difference, $\Delta V = V(c)-V(0)$, between the center of the inner conductor ($s = 0$)
and the outside of the outer conductor?
1. Positive
2. Negative
3. Zero