MONDAY, January 27, 2025
WEDNESDAY, January 29, 2025
We have elected to use Proposal 2 for the AI Policy.
Giosan, Ioan, and P. Eng. "Vortex shedding induced loads on free standing structures" Structural Vortex Shedding Response Estimation Methodology and Finite Element Simulation 42 (2013).
Notice the cylindrical shape of the support structure.
The SHO is a useful model:
Assume the restoring force is anti-symmetric about the equilibrium position, what is the next term model?
Assuming a linear model for Air Resistance
What happens when
For the system of Linear Drag in 1D, we found a solution for the velocity as a function of time, with
Which sketch could be correct for the velocity of the ball?
For the system of Quadratic Drag in 1D, we found a solution for the velocity as a function of time, with
For the system of Quadratic Drag in 1D, we found a solution for the velocity as a function of time, with
<img src="../images/notes/week3/vortex-shedding.png" width="100%">