Day 04 - Working with datetime

Sept. 17, 2020

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  • Getting help:
    • Y'all are making good use of office hours and Slack
    • Office hours are posted on the GR site and D2L
  • Individual check-ins:
    • Danny will be sending each person an email to check in on how they are doing with online classes and asking for feedback.
  • Group work:
    • In some groups, not everyone is moving through the activity at the same pace.
    • Make sure to check in with everyone on where they are and share screens to help each other stay together.
    • Remember: You do not have to complete tehe whole assignment to get credit.
  • Extra breakout rooms:
    • We are going to open 4 additional breakout rooms for one-on-one meetings as needed.

Any questions?

From Pre-Class Assignment

Challenging bits

  • Reading the sunspots file
  • Knowing what to do with the date information (instructions were unclear for some)
  • Converting the date information to datetime
  • Using .assign()

You will get more practice with this today.

In [1]:
import datetime

# We can store date information as integers 
birthyear = 1982
birthmonth = 5
birthday = 1

print('Danny\'s Birthday is:\n', birthmonth, '/', birthday, '/', birthyear)
Danny's Birthday is:
 5 / 1 / 1982
<class 'int'>
In [2]:
# That is less useful for doing math with dates
# For example, how old am i?

today =

# We can convert information to datetime
birthdate = datetime.datetime(year = birthyear, month = birthmonth, day = birthday)
2020-09-17 09:24:40.438286
1982-05-01 00:00:00
In [3]:
# datetime objects can have math done on them
age = today - birthdate
print('Age: ', age)

# Notice that the types are different
Age:  14019 days, 9:24:40.438286
<class 'datetime.datetime'>
<class 'datetime.timedelta'>
In [4]:
# What about working with data?

import pandas as pd

column_names = ["year",

# Read in the date file and specify columns
df = pd.read_csv('data/sunspots.txt', delim_whitespace = True, names = column_names)

# Type for each column
year             int64
month            int64
day              int64
date           float64
count            int64
std            float64
obs              int64
provisional     object
dtype: object
In [5]:
# Let's look at the DataFrame
year month day date count std obs provisional
0 1981 1 1 1981.001 218 12.4 9 NaN
1 1981 1 2 1981.004 194 14.7 7 NaN
2 1981 1 3 1981.007 168 10.8 7 NaN
3 1981 1 4 1981.010 155 9.1 11 NaN
4 1981 1 5 1981.012 129 6.2 9 NaN
In [6]:
# We want year, month, and day to be put together into a datetime Series
# pandas has a tool for that called .to_datetime()

# We can first create a DataFrame with just this information
date_info = df[["year", "month", "day"]]
year month day
0 1981 1 1
1 1981 1 2
2 1981 1 3
3 1981 1 4
4 1981 1 5
In [7]:
# Then convert the date_info DataFrame into a datetime Series using .to_datetime()
# Notice the order of the columns in date_info matches the format ordering
df_date = pd.to_datetime(date_info, format = '%Y %m %d')
0   1981-01-01
1   1981-01-02
2   1981-01-03
3   1981-01-04
4   1981-01-05
dtype: datetime64[ns]
In [8]:
# Finally we need to assign the new series and drop the old columns

# assign() will create a new column with the series you pass it
# it must be returned to a variable or the assignment is temporary
df.assign(datetime = df_date)      # doesn't store the result!
df = df.assign(datetime = df_date) # stores the result!

# drop() will drop columns from a DataFrame
# again, it must be turned to a variable
dropped_columns = ["year", "month", "day", "date"]
df = df.drop(columns = dropped_columns)
count std obs provisional datetime
0 218 12.4 9 NaN 1981-01-01
1 194 14.7 7 NaN 1981-01-02
2 168 10.8 7 NaN 1981-01-03
3 155 9.1 11 NaN 1981-01-04
4 129 6.2 9 NaN 1981-01-05

Questions, Comments, Concerns?